BLASIL 270/ 230 SE
Systemic fungicides to control leaf blast and neck fracture in rice quickly and provide the best rice crop performance for high quality harvests.
Diseases in Rice
The following diseases are diseases that often attack rice plants: leaf and neck blast disease, striped leaf bacterial disease, bacterial leaf blight disease, leaf midrib blight, tungro disease, dwarf disease.
Neck Blast
Neck disease in rice is caused by the fungus pyricularia oryzae, the symptoms are brownish spots on the rice leaf area. Control: use nitrogen fertilizer (as recommended), plant with the "Jajar Legowo" system, use fungicides with active ingredients prochloraz and tricyclazole.
Leaf Blast
Leaf blast disease in rice is caused by the fungus Pylicularia grisea. Symptoms are rhombus-shaped leaves. Control: use resistant varieties, avoid late planting, do irrigation if the land is dry, use fungicides with active ingredients prochloraz and tricyclazole.
Perfect Combination
Combine Blasil with Custodia for a more optimal Rice Yield.
Both of these fungicides contain active ingredients that are synergistic with each other, effective in controlling leaf blast disease, neck fracture and midrib blight. The rice becomes healthy green, sturdy and densely packed.
Testimoni Petani
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