Banjo Forte 200/200
Systemic fungicide with protective and curative for late blight control in potato

Biochemistry Proposed inhibitor of phospholipid biosynthesis and cell wall synthesis. Inhibits the formation of the oomycete fungal cell wall.
Mode of action Local systemic fungicide with good protectant and antisporulant activity.
Uses Fungicide effective against Oomycetes, especially Peronosporaceae and Phytophthora spp. (but not Pythium spp.) in vines, potatoes, tomatoes and other crops. Used in combination with contact fungicides.
Biochemistry Uncouples mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, inhibiting spore germination, hyphal penetration, growth and sporulation.
Mode of action Fungicide with protective action. Has little curative or systemic activity, but good residual effect and rain-fastness.
Uses Control of grey mould and downy mildew on vines; apple scab; southern blight and white mould on peanuts; Phytophthora infestans and tuber blight on potatoes.
Application Advice
Phytophtora infestans
Dose/ Ha:
500 ml/ Ha